Monday, June 06, 2005
Hello all,
So much happened today it's hard to know what to write about, and what to leave out. The day started early with Quorum caucus, and mass meetings starting at 7:30. We all needed to consider and vote on all the changes to Leadership Steve Veazey had proposed. In the reports from each of these groups the votes were unanimous, or at least without dissent. Then the conference voted as a whole on the letter of counsel. It passed. The one concern and disappointment seemed to be that all those chosen to fill the councils were "white Americans".
Having carried the vote on the letter of counsel, ordinations were already planned to make sure the church was organized and prepared to do the business of the church. Ken Robinson will remain in the Presidency. Leaving his role as Apostle and Joining Ken and Steve is Dave Schaal, called as a counselor and member of the First Presidency.
Ken McLaughlin and Gail Mengel were released from the Council of Twelve Apostles to be free to fulfill other roles as assistants to the First Presidency.
Filling the now four vacancies in the Council of Twelve Apostles are, Stassi Cramm, a former member of the Presiding Bishopric, Ron Harmon Jr., a former pastor, Rick Maupin, an adult convert to the church, and Susan Skoor, who will be the Apostle to the Rocky Mountain Mission Center. Jim Slaughter was set apart as President of the Council of Twelve. All these Ordinations took place and so the Presidency and Council of Twelve are filled and ready to go. Photos of all the ordinations are here.
Filling the Vacancy in the Bishopric left by Stassi Cramm, is R. Paul Davis, who was ordained a Bishop and set apart to be a member of the Bishopric.
Addressing the dates for next World Conference, March 24 - 31, 2007, and extending the proposed budget one year filled out the afternoon, and the business session was adjourned. The business part of conference is over.
After supper we participated in an awesome worship experience. The Tahitian Choir sang, and it doesn't get much better than that. Steve Veazy preached his first sermon as President of the church, and it was powerful, challenging, and convicting. It was a outstanding worship experience. I'm sure the text of Steve's sermon will be on the World Church web site very soon.
The number of attendees for this conference was significantly higher than the past few years. I think many wanted to be part of history. Overall conference was positive, upbeat, friendly, and very hopeful and forward looking.
Your reporter is excited about the possibilities and potential of becoming the community we've been called to be. Each congregation needs to decide if they are going to be healthy, and alive, and be part of the future, or just exist awaiting an untimely and slow death.
I choose life. And I pledge my gifts, talents, and resources, for God's use; for the building of the Peaceable Kingdom called Zion, and for committing myself to bringing the Love of God and the ministry of Jesus to those on the fringes; marginalized by society, seeking an encounter with the Divine. Will you come on board and be part of the team?
Thanks for reading. Don't forget to check out the photos on the Church's web site, and Jim's album site (click in the conference 2005 albums).
Seventy Bob